Saturday, November 28, 2015

Two Branches of Biomechanics

Biomechanics is separated into two different categories, or "branches," of study. There is Kinematics, which is the study of human movement from a geometrical standpoint. And there is also Kinetics, the branch of biomechanics concerned with what causes the body to move the way it does. The two branches work had in hand to describe and explain human movements such as Joint Kinematics, Knee Flexion, Ankle Dorsal Flexion, Joint Kinetics, Joint Angles, and the Instantaneous 3D bone pose. There are several Estimable Quantities (referring to simplified equations, using estimated values of its dependent variables), used in discussing the Biomechanics of the Human Body. Such quantities include the Instantaneous 3D bone pose as stared above, which is a virtual representation of the skeletal system in motion, Relative Movement between adjacent bones, dealing with joint kinetics, Forces transmitted by muscles-tendons-ligaments-bones, which also is a aspect of joint kinetics, and Muscular mechanical work/power, which dealing with systems energy, falling under the category of joint energetics. In sum our bodies movements can be described using Kinematics and Kinetics, the prevalent tools in explanation and understanding of how we work.

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